Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Don't ignore that inner voice...

I was turned on Glenn Beck this morning on the way to take my daughters to school. I came into his monologue a little ways into it, he was talking about the new year and how you can make this a year to change your life. I listened more intently. He brought up examples of ways people have listened to that inner voice in their lives. How people have followed their dreams just by starting small. Apply for that job, even when everyone else thinks it's way above you. How people have turned to more scripture study and prayer and a small warning to check if the outside hoses had been removed discovered a gas leak instead that would have definitely resulted in an explosion.

I know that in my own life that when I have not listened to my inner voice, I have been sorry. I get that "I knew I should have..." as soon as it goes wrong. And, when I have listened it hasn't been as dramatic as a gas leak, or maybe I just don't know because I did listen.

I tend to take on a bit more than I can handle sometimes, so want to focus instead of usual multitasking so much. That is my new 'new years' goal. Just stop, listen when I hear my inner voice, and do it! (no matter how mundane or seemingly unimportant)

Me, when I take on too much!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Wow! It's 2014!

I am ready to make this year, the year I make things happen!

I want to grow my business, big time!
Take my family to Disney (land, world or cruise... not sure)
Get Healthy (and lose a few, well a lot of lbs)
All in a days work for a Super-Mom!

What are your goals? Can I help???

Thursday, November 7, 2013

New Origami Owl Designer Blog... How I started!

So, excited to start this new blog! I want to put myself out there to get to know people and for people to find me... Plus, I want to make this fun and interesting!

So, I am Heather. I am a busy wife and "stay at home/work from home" Mom. I have fallen in love with Origami Owl (O2), and why not have fun, and support my habit by selling this amazing jewelry!?

Here is how I started with Origami Owl. I first found out about Origami Owl when a sweet friend of mine dropped a few catalogs (we call them Take-Out Menus) in a package she sent to me. I loved it, and immediately showed the Origami Owl Catalogs to my Mom. She was so excited, that even in the long term illness she was in she wanted to join and begin selling right away! So I agreed to go into to business with my sweet Mom. But, last May (2013) there was a "waiting list" since Origami Owl was growing sooo quickly. We signed up, with out ever seeing the jewelry in person. But, we ended up having to wait out the whole summer until she and I got the green light to become Independent Designers. That was September 1st. Unfortunately, my dear Mom passed away on September 5th. So, in her stead I am moving forward for both of us. Ouch! I sure miss her!!!

 {This is a picture of she and I taken in March of 2013}

So, since starting... I have had a blast! This jewelry really reaches people. It is another avenue of communication, every locket tells a story! So, what is your story?

Here is a locket I made for my Mom.

Inside the Locket is:
An Infinity symbol, because I know Families are Forever
A Crystal Heart, for the love she shared 
A Watch Cog, for the time we spent together
The word "love"
A rose gold Heart, with the word "Mom"
A tiny pearl, because she took adversity and made it into something beautiful
There are a pair of Angle Wings on the necklace, because she is my Angel

I love you Mom!